A beginner’s guide to practicing self-love

A Beginner's Guide To Self-Love

Are you new to self-love and want to find a beginner’s guide to practicing self-love? 

If so, you are in the right place. Self-love is a topic that has been growing in popularity in recent years and for good reasons. Keep on reading to learn what self-love is and how you can start practicing self-love on a regular basis.

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Self-love is one of those words that is self-explanatory. In its simplest form it means love of self. An alternative definition is “regard for one’s own happiness or advantage”, and I think this definition is more helpful in terms of being able to understand how you can practice self-love.

When you are practicing self-love you are focusing on your needs. You prioritise your well-being and your happiness. You ensure that you aren’t selling for less than you deserve and you aren’t sacrificing your needs because of supporting others.



Now you might have read that the What is self-love? section and feel as if self-love is selfish. This is especially common amongst women who have often be taught to put the needs of others before themselves. However, as the saying goes “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. Everyone has a duty to look after themselves first. You can’t properly support your friends, family or community if you don’t look after yourself first.



1. Take yourself on a date

Taking yourself on a date might seem like a weird concept but think about it. When you love someone, you go on dates with them. You put time in your diary to do something special and that one of you or both of you enjoy. Whether you are in a relationship or not, you should make the time to take yourself on a date. Do something you really want to do. Eat your favourite food. Visit a place you love. Try something new if that floats your boat. The purpose of taking yourself on a date is to have a dedicated time to do something just for you and that you love. Something to look forward to and then a time to be present and really enjoy.


2. Wear something that makes you feel amazing

Self-love means loving your mind, body and soul. Too many women are dismissive of their bodies (with and without clothes on). A great way to start loving your body more is to start wearing clothes that make you feel amazing. Stop waiting for an excuse to dress up. You can wear your best clothes every single day! Go through your wardrobe and choose some outfits that make you feel amazing and make a conscious effort to start wearing them more often. And if you don’t have any clothes that make you feel great it is time to buy some new clothes.


3. Practice self-love mantras

Learning to love yourself comes more naturally to some than others. If you are trying to increase the amount you love yourself that you should definitely give self-love mantras a try.

Some examples of self-love mantras are:

I love and accept myself.

I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.

I am worthy of love.


You should aim to practice them every day. Say them to yourself as you are brushing your teeth or when you are lying in bed. If you really want to challenge yourself look at yourself in the mirror and say the mantras out loud.


4. Buy yourself a present

When was the last time you bought yourself a present? Maybe you are someone that treats yourself often, but if you aren’t then you can definitely class buying yourself a present as an act of self-love. Think about what you would love to own and what would truly make you happy and then go buy it for yourself, just because you can.


5. Say no to things that don’t serve you

Most of the list has been focusing on new things to do, but that might leave you thinking ‘I don’t have time for all of this’. Part of the way you can find some time is by saying no to things that don’t serve. Loving yourself is about taking a stand and no longer doing things that don’t make you feel good. Don’t feel obliged to say yes to requests from others. It is your life and you get to choose.


6. Stop comparing yourself to others

Part of loving yourself is learning to appreciate that you are unique and therefore you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to others. Often when we compare ourselves to others we focus on how we are different in a negative away. People often compare themselves to other and think I’m not as beautiful as them, I’m not as successful as them, I’m not as talented as them. By comparing ourselves to others and being negative about ourselves we are doing ourselves a disservice and definitely not showing ourselves love. Learn to look at others and be able to appreciate them without directly comparing yourself. You are different and there is nothing wrong with that. Love yourself exactly as you are.


7. Make a list of all the things you love about yourself

If I asked you right now to name 10 things that you love about yourself could you answer me? If you can’t then you need to start a self-love list. It can easier to compliment others than to compliment ourselves, but I’m giving you permission. This is about bragging or boasting. This is about you be honest with yourself and acknowledging all of the reasons why you are an amazing human being and you should absolutely love yourself. Write your list down somewhere that you can refer back to when you are having not so good days and need a pick me up.



I hope you have enjoyed this beginner’s guide to practicing self-love.

In the comments, I would love to know how you plan to practice self-love over the coming weeks.

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