7 changes you can make to improve your life

Want to know what changes you can make to improve your life?

It’s easy to think ‘I want to change my life’ but in order for it to happen, you will need to make changes. That might feel daunting right now and you might not know where to start. Keep on reading as I’ll be sharing 7 changes you can make to improve your life.

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1.Change the words you use

Words are powerful and if you want to improve your life, you’ll need to start paying attention to what you are saying and make necessary adjustments.

Firstly, you want to pay attention to negative self-talk such as “I can’t do …”. If you aren’t careful negative self-talk will stop you from taking the necessary actions to even start to improve your life and achieve your goals.

At the same time as removing negative self-talk from your life, you can start practising positive affirmations. Positive affirmations will ensure that even if you aren’t naturally changing the words you use on a daily basis to be more positive you are saying still saying something positive every day. Not sure how to get started with positive affirmations? Read 20 positive morning affirmations to start your day off right.


2. Change how you spend your time

If you really want to change your life you need to look at how you are spending your time. So often people say they want to improve their lives, but if you look at their diary or calendar it is so obvious that it isn’t going to happen. If you want to improve your health, then you’ll need to make time for your exercise and eat healthy meals. If you want to grow your business, then you’ll need to set time aside for personal and business development.

If you really want to improve your life, you’ll need to take action and actions take time. Spend some time getting clear on what actions you need to take in order to improve your life. Then look at your diary and decide whether you can remove anything that isn’t currently in there and not serving you. If you can’t remove anything then you’ll need to relook at your diary across a week and see where you can carve some time out specifically for making these changes and improving your future.


3. Change what you read

Another great way to improve your life is to change what you are reading. Reading has absolutely changed my life, which is why I’m a massive advocate of developing a regular reading habit. If you want to improve your life then I have no doubt that you can’t find books to help. That might mean reading books around a specific topic to help improve your knowledge that you can then immediately reply. You can also read books that will widen your horizons and change your outlook.

If you are an ambitious woman who wants to read non-fiction books and be a part of a supportive community of women who are all on a personal development journey then check out PropelHer’s Book Club. You can find out more and sign up here.


4. Change the people you associate with

You’ve probably heard the Jim Rohn quote a thousand times “You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with”. If there is a specific area of your life you want to improve then think about how you can change your circle to make that change easier. For example, if you want to start a business then surrounding yourself with other business owners will make that transition easier. Or if you want to healthier then having friends who all prioritise their health will make it easier.

Now you might be thinking I can’t change the people I associate with. Firstly, you can. There are very few instances where people genuinely can’t grow their network and make new acquaintances and friends.  However, even within your current circle, you can probably shift the time you spend with certain people and ensure you are making it as easy as possible for yourself to improve your life.


5. Change the people you follow online

Whilst changing our physical circle might be easier said than done one change you can easily make is changing the people you follow online. What you consume matters. As a result,  you should be selective about who you are following online.

Go through all of your social media accounts and firstly look at who you are follow. Do they create content that inspires, motivates, encourages, educates or bring you joy? If it doesn’t then seriously consider unsubscribing.

Then once you have unsubscribed you can start to follow new accounts intentionally. Think about the change you want to create in your life and find people to follow who will help you to create that change.


6. Change, or start, a morning routine

Following a morning routine is a great habit to have. However, morning routines are not all equal and it is easy to go through the motions. So whether you already have a morning routine or you are starting one for the first time think about what you need from your morning routine. Think about what you want to improve in your life and see how a morning routine can support that. You can follow a morning routine, like The Miracle Morning, that sets you up for success in a general way. However, you might create a morning routine that involves doing an activity that specifically supports the way you are trying to improve your life. For example, if you decided that to improve your life you want to write and publish a book then you might commit to writing for 30 minutes every morning.


7. Change what you put into your body

Changing your life takes energy, which means you need to think seriously about what you need to do in order to ensure your body operate at the best of its capability. Whilst most of us know what we should be eating and drinking it is easy to fall into bad habits. If you don’t think you need to improve your nutritional knowledge there are endless resources. Then once you know what you should be eating and drinking it is your responsibility to make the changes. You might decide to make the change drastically or make the changes little by little.


There you have it. You now have 7 changes you can make to improve your life.

I hope you have found this blog post helpful.

I would love to know in the comments what change you are going to make in your life.

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