Say Goodbye to your déjà vu Goals


I am so glad you have made the decision to concentrate on yourself and make your goals come true.

I am crazy passionate about goal setting and achieving. I was a #goaldigger before I even knew what a hashtag was.

Through this 7-day course, I am going to guide you through how to finally achieve that goal that you have been continually setting. It is so frustrating when a new year rolls around and you are setting the same goal again, but that doesn't have to be you anymore.

As Albert Einstein said

"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results."

If you want a different result you have to do something different. By taking this course you are trying something new so well done on investing in you and your future.

Ready to get started? Just enter your details below! Don't forget to share how you are getting on and tag your posts #PropelHer

Don't forget to share your progress on social media with the hashtag #PropelHer