How Lean In Changed My Life

Photo of Charelle reading Lean In

There is a photo of Sheryl Sandberg on my pinboard at work and if I mention her name to someone and they don’t know who she is I am disgusted. So it is crazy to think that 18 months ago I probably had no idea who she was either.

I can’t remember how I heard about Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, but last year Lean In and Strong Woman, by Karren Brady, ended up in my Amazon basket. I was clearly in need of inspiration from amazing business/professional women.

From the beginning I loved Lean In. At the time it was unlike anything I had read before. Although, Sheryl was an American women and clearly very successful it was so relatable. I felt myself agreeing with her statements, which was hard at time, because it was admitting the hardship women face.

When a woman is successful, people of both genders like her less.


“The stereotype of a working woman is rarely attractive”


It isn’t exactly looking good for the working woman, who wants to be successful, is it? Sometimes the truth hurts and part of the reason I loved Lean In is because Sheryl tells the truth, which isn’t always pretty.

I particularly liked the idea that a career is “a jungle gym, not a ladder”. The days of working your way up to the top in a neat, straight fashion is over. You need to be flexible, agile and willing to move in a zig-zag.

The book is most known for the quote

What would you do if you weren’t afraid”? 

What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid - Quote from Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

It appears all over Pinterest, Instagram and takes a prime spot on my vision board. Sheryl apparently wrote the book Lean In off the back of asking herself that question. Have you ever really concerned what you do if you weren’t afraid? Is there something you really would like to do in your life but fear is stopping you? Well Sheryl tells you to push that fear aside and do it!

Sheryl ends the book by saying “My goal is that this book is not the of the conversation, but the beginning. Well I definitely think Sheryl achieved her goal.

As a result of that book Lean In Circles have been created around the world. I am a member of one and the experience has been invaluable. In fact, it was at my Lean In Circle where I asked myself the question again “What would I do if I weren’t afraid?” and one of the answers was to launch PropelHer. Surrounded by other ambitious women I felt safe to tell the group about what I wanted to do. That was the beginning of PropelHer turning from an idea in my head to a reality.

The book is not for everyone. Sheryl states at the beginning that she is “writing it for any woman who wants to increase her chances of making it to the top of her field or pursue any goal vigorously”. If that describes you then definitely pick up a copy of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead .

Has there been a book that has changed your life? Please leave a comment below or send me an email.



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