How to really rest and recharge

If there is one thing I know about ambitious women it is that they aren’t scared of hard work. Through PropelHer, I have the joy of connecting with hard-working women around the world who are out there doing their thing. Now I am a big believer in working hard, and smart, to achieve your dreams, but no-one should work 24/7. It may seem backwards, but to work at your best sometimes you need to stop and take a moment to rest. So keep on reading to find out xx ways that you can really rest and recharge.



The first thing you have to do is have days where you don’t work. Now for some people that is easy, but for some people, like myself, that doesn’t come naturally. If it doesn’t come naturally to you then you need to be setting days in advance that are specifically designated as rest and recharge days. Think about what is best for you. Do you like extended periods to really wind down? Or do you need shorter breaks more often? Decide what works for you and then put those dates in the calendar and make it non-negotiable that you will have that time off.



To really recharge a great thing to do is not just have time off working, but spend the time doing something you really enjoy. As the saying goes “You can’t pour from an empty cup” and a key part of recharging is filling your metaphorical cup back up.

Think about what you can do that instantly brings you joy. It could be anything such as playing sport, being with certain people, eating your favourite food or listening to music. This is highly personal but make sure you know what fills you up and ensure some of your time is spent doing that activity.



I have always found spending time outside in nature to be great as a relaxer and according to Business Insider, there are 12 science-backed reasons to spend more time outdoors. Nowadays more and more people, including myself, are spending the majority of their time in a building with artificial lighting and looking at a screen. This environment impacts your sleep and thus the quality of your rest. Use part of your rest and recharge time to get outside and move that body, whether it be a walk on the beach, in the forest or across a field.



Most people spend too much time using electronic devices. Maybe you are a notification junkie who gets excited every time someone likes a picture or maybe you are simply getting too much blue light as a result of looking at a screen. Either way, a break away from electronic devices will do you good! For anyone new to the world of digital detoxing I suggest starting small with a day and build up from there.


That is my top 4 ways to rest and recharge. 

Reading those tips you might think it is really easy and for some people it is, but if you are someone who struggles with resting and recharging then I encourage you to give all 4 things a go. They have worked wonders for me and I hope they do the same for you.

If you do try any of my rest and recharge tips out I would love for you to share your experiences in the comments below.

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