How To Take More Risks

How To Take More Risks

Do you know that taking risks is key to your success, but struggle to take those risks? If so, keep on reading as I will be sharing 3 simple strategies to help you take more risks in your life.

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So you have heard that you need to take risks in order to be successful but it all feels easier said than done. The first thing to know is that you are not alone. Women around the world struggle with taking risks as a result of social conditioning, but just because women weren’t raised to be risk takers doesn’t mean you can’t teach yourself to be one. You just need to make an active effort.


My top 3 tips for taking more risks are:


Tip 1 – Focus on what you can gain by taking the risk

Too often people focus on the negatives of taking a risk. With every risk, there will be a negative and positive outcome. Now I am not telling you to blindly take every risk that you can. In fact, I would advise that before you take any risks you weigh up the pros and the cons. If the pros outweigh the cons then go for it! You have more to gain!

Once you have made that decision that the risk is work it then just focus on what you will gain. Remember the reasons why taking the risk is worthwhile and the positive impact it is going to have on your life.


Tip 2 – Think of times when you have taken a risk before and it turned out well

Again it is too easy to focus on the negatives, especially when we are thinking about ourselves. There is no doubt that taking risks is scary, but you are absolutely capable of takings risks. Start to build a memory bank of risks you have taken that ended up successfully. Then in times of doubt focus on those moments. Reminding yourself that you are capable and that you have taken risks before successfully should help you feel better about taking this current risk.


Tip 3 – Tackle one risk at a time

There is no need to take on the whole world in one go. If you are not naturally a risk taker, then focus on taking one risk at a time. In fact, start trying to find little risks you can take daily to build up your risk tolerance. Then if you are taking on a major risk such as starting a new job, launching a business etc then just focus on that. Don’t put other risks on your plate as you will become overwhelmed, which isn’t what you want.


That’s it!

To start becoming more of a risk taker I recommend you focus on what you can gain by taking the risk, Think of times when you have taken a risk before and it turned out well and Tackle one risk at a time

I would love to know in the comments below one risk you are going to take as a result of reading this article.

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