New Month New Goal PropelHer Goaldigger

July is here! You are officially half way through the year. It is a perfect time to go back to your year goals and check your progress!

Are you on track with all your goals?

Have you fallen behind?

Did you forget some of the goals you had set?


Once you have answered those questions it is time to plan what actions you will take for the next 6 months and then specifically what actions you will be taking in July. 

The free July goal setting printable will help you to review your annual goals and then write down the actions you need to take. 

Now in order to take the necessary actions over the next month what affirmation could you practice to program your mind for success? Decide and then practice daily.

Grab your free printable below and share pictures of your progress throughout the month with the hashtag #PropelHer.

And don’t forget if you realise you can’t achieve your goals alone that I work 1:1 with ambitious women to help them achieve their wildest goals. Success is within reach and you don’t have to do it alone. Book a strategy call today. 

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