Why a morning routine is essential for achieving success in all areas of your life

Why a morning routine is essential for a woman that wants success in all areas of her life

Are you thinking about starting a morning routine? Or have you practised a morning routine in the past, stopped for a bit and looking to get back into it? I am a massive fan of following a morning routine, with my life changing after reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

This isn’t the first time I have written about morning routines. Previously I shared Why successful people have a morning routine and how to create your own’ and How To Create A Morning Routine To Set Yourself Up For Success’ and I have even created a guide HOW TO CREATE A KILLER MORNING ROUTINE to help you create your own morning routine. However, today I wanted to delve a bit deeper into why I think a morning routine is essential if you want to achieve success in all areas of your life.


You keep all your goals top of mind

It is easy in life to become obsessed with the big goals such as getting a promotion, starting a business, buying a house, getting married, having children etc. However, a good morning routine will see you writing out your goals daily and if you have set your goals using the wheel of life (see How to set goals for beginners) then you will have goals for all areas of your life. This means every day you are giving yourself the opportunity to remember all the things you want to achieve in the different aspects of your life and this should help you keep your daily actions in line with your ultimate aims of life.


You devote time to your body

If there is one area that many “successful” women seem to struggle with it is taking time to look after their body. This often looks like not getting enough sleep and not making time to exercise. A good morning routine should include some sort of exercise (I like to do yoga usually) and by doing your exercise in the morning it means you have ticked it off your list nice and early and you don’t have to worry about doing it later in the day when it is likely you may have a someone else making demands on your time.


You commit to continually learning

The world is changing at a faster pace than ever, yet for so many people, education stops when they leave the education system. For you to be truly successful, you need to be constantly learning and by having a morning routine that involves reading you are ensuring learning is a daily habit rather than actively trying to find the time in your life.


You make time for what is important to you

Your morning routine is personal to you. Even if you decide to follow The Miracle Morning the exercise you do, the form of meditation you do, the affirmations you say and the books you read will be different. However, you also have the option to not follow any system and make a routine that is entirely designed for you. Either way on a daily basis you are committing to looking after you. It is so easy in today’s society to get caught in running around after everyone else. We have demands from on inboxes, our bosses, our families, our friends, our neighbours and a forever pinging mobile phone.


Following a morning routine offers you the chance to work out what is important to you and do that first thing in the morning before all the demands come in. That sacred time will allow you to ensure you are putting your first and help towards you achieve success in your own version.


That’s it!

I hope you can see how following a morning routine is highly beneficial for multiple reasons and that it offers you an opportunity to ensure you start the day how you mean to go on by focusing on what is genuinely important to you, looking after you and of course helping you keep those goals top of mind.

I would love to know in the comments below if you follow a morning routine and if you do what impact it had on your life.


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