Rest for Success: Why Rest is Key for Your Long-Term Success

Rest for Success: Why Rest is Key for Your Long-Term Success

Are you so committed to achieving success that you working extra-long days, 7-days a week and can’t remember the last time you took a holiday?

Well whilst you might feel that your commitment and dedication to work will help you achieve your dreams, the fact is you could be undermining your efforts if you aren’t taking a rest. Find out below the 5 reasons why getting enough rest is key to your long-term success.




Your body is essential for your long-term success and you need to be looking after it. That means ensuring you drink enough water, eat the right food and get enough sleep. Our bodies are not made to work 24/7 like a robot and days on end with minimal sleep is not good for your body. Getting adequate sleep is important for your body physically allow your muscles to repair etc, but it also allows your brain to process information. Now it is likely that if you are a driven individual that is working hard you are taking in even more information than the average person on a day to day basis, so it is important you get enough sleep so that you process all of that information and use it to the best of your capability.



It is sad but true, but you don’t usually come up with your best ideas when you are sat at your desk trying to think of something. Inspiration comes from everyone and to stay creative you need to be putting yourself in different environments and not be consciously trying to be creative.

Taking time to rest means you are giving your time to wander and often it will mean you do activities you don’t usually do. Read more, watch more tv, go to a different location and this can all help boost your creativity.



Have you ever felt overwhelmed with a problem, but the moment you take a step back you are able to see the problem with new eyes and identify a solution? That is what can happen when you take a rest. Having a proper rest where you really switch off means when you return to work you are able to look at things with fresh eyes. You are likely to see possibilities that you couldn’t before.



If there is one thing that you will ruin your long-term success it is burnout.  If you experience a proper burnout it is a slow journey to recovery, so it is best to avoid it in the first place. Having regular rest, away from work, will help you to avoid feeling stressed-out continuously, which can lead to burnout.



If you are doing work that you love then it is likely that taking a break can be difficult. However, being forced to not work means you will return even more excited than usual and are likely to be even more productive in the initial return phases.


As you can see rest is not for the weak, but an essential part of life. Whether you need to be resting more on a daily, weekly or monthly basis commit to blocking in time to rest to ensure that over the length of your life you are giving yourself the best chance of achieving maximum success.


I hope you have found this post useful. I would love to know in the comments below if you are taking enough rest to maximise your success or do you know you need more?

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