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Why making time for play is important

Making Time For Play Is Important - PropelHer

Are you a workaholic? Are you all work and no play? Find it difficult to switch off and relax? Find out below why making time for play is important for yourself and your professional success.



One of my favourite mottos is work hard, party harder and anyone who knows me will know I live by that motto.

Whilst I was studying for my degree you would find me in the studio or library from 9am-8pm every day but by the time 9pm came around I would be on the dance floor in the student bar. I wholeheartedly believe in working hard, and many of my friends would describe me as a ‘workaholic’ but all work and no play is no way to live. 

And as I have gotten older the motto has become increasingly important because there will always be more work to do! Technology has meant that work can happen all day every day and we are contactable 24/7 so it is even more important to carve out the time to step out of work mode and enjoy yourself! 

This isn’t about needing to escape from work, but the fact is that taking the time to play allows you the opportunity to reset and come back to work all refreshed. Actually, after having a long-weekend getaway I am itching to get back to work. The time away allows you to come back with fresh eyes and with energy and enthusiasm.  

Not only does having time to play allow you to refresh, but it is so important for creativity. Usually, creative ideas don’t happen when you are sitting at a desk trying to come up with something. Creative ideas are inspired thoughts and a change of scenery, people, activity etc helps inspire you.

So if you are someone who is all work, work, work, work, work Rihanna style then I want you to schedule in some play time. Get your planner or diary and commit to making sure every week you are scheduling some free time that is specifically for FUN! 

And whilst you are at it – when are you going on holiday? As an ambitious woman it can be easy it get caught on the treadmill and feeling you can’t take a break, because without you the world will fall apart, but without a holiday you will fall apart. So book those holiday dates in and make it non-negotiable!

So how do you like to play? What do you do in your free-time that brings you joy and happiness? I would love if you would share in the comments below.