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Programming your mind

How to use affirmations to program your mind for success

Programming My Mind For Success - PropelHer - MondayMotivation

When it comes to programming your mind for success, affirmations are often mentioned. Not sure how to choose your affirmations or how to use them? Well this is for you. You will find out how the purpose of affirmations, how to choose them and how to integrate them into your everyday life.

In the world of personal development, you often come across the idea of affirmations. In this context, an affirmation is a positive sentence or statement that is repeated to alter your subconscious mind. Affirmations are used to support the development a positive mental attitude and counteract negative thoughts. A very famous affirmation, which was used by Muhammad Ali, is “I am the greatest”. Long before Muhammad Ali actually was the greatest he would repeat that affirmation to himself and, as I am sure you will know, that is what he became. That is why people use affirmations. You are embodying a belief that isn’t true now, but you want to become true in the future. There are a never ending variety of affirmations (check out some here), but feel free to make your own. When creating affirmations it is important to ensure you focus on an area of your life you are wanting to improve and that they are created in the present tense.

After you have chosen your affirmations you need to integrate them into your daily life.


Three popular ways you can use affirmations in their day-to-day life are:

Write your affirmations down

If you have a journal then you can write your affirmations down every morning and every night. Writing your affirmations in the morning will set you up for the day and writing your affirmations at night will help the affirmations to work their way into your subconscious mind as you sleep.



Say your affirmations out loud

Once you have your affirmations written down, the next step is to say them out loud. When you say your affirmations out loud it helps for you to believe that what you are saying is true. At first you might find saying your affirmations aloud cheesy or you don’t believe the words you are saying, but with practice and over time it will become more natural.

If you are comfortable saying your affirmations out loud, the next step is to say your affirmations into the mirror whilst looking at yourself.


Make a recording of your own affirmations

This tip I always give to my hardcore 1:1 clients. Listening to affirmations is extremely powerful. You used to get affirmations tapes and now you can find lots of recordings online. However, why listen to someone else when you can create a recording that is specific to you and in your own voice. Given how easy it is to make recording today I highly recommend this step. You can play your affirmations in the background whilst cleaning, getting ready etc or even whilst you sleep



To recap, to use affirmations to program your mind for success you can write them, say them out loud or listen to your own recording.

I would love to know what your favourite affirmation is so please add it into the comments below. Who knows you might inspire someone else.

And if you need inspiration for creating your own affirmation then enter your email below for your free affirmations introduction list.