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How to make time to read more

How to make time to read more

Do you want to read more but struggle to find the time to read? Often I meet women who want to read more but say they just don’t have the time. If you have the desire to read more than there is a way to find the time. Below I will share a few ways to show you how to make time to read more.



A great way to read more is to make it become a habit or a part of your life. In The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, one of the 6 things Hal recommends you do in the morning is read. Reading in the morning is a great way to ensure that you read every day. In the morning you are likely to be in full control of your time, whereas if you leave reading until later in the day then it is possible that something else will come up.

If you don’t already have a morning routine check out How to create morning routine to set yourself up for success.

An alternative is to include reading in your bedtime routine. Lots of people read before bed as a child and there is no reason you can’t do the same as an adult. In fact, reading before bed is a great way to ensure that you are having a break from screens before going to sleep. 



Having a book on you at all times will ensure you can take advantage of pockets of time that appear. Most of us think that we are busy 24/7, but it is likely that you do have moments in the day where you could read. This could be when you are in a queue, waiting for someone or commuting on the bus, train or tube. Think about how much time you spend on your phone per day. Even by picking up a book just a few times a day instead of picking up your phone you will quickly start to work your way through a book.




Another great way to make the time to read more is by increasing the importance of reading a book and joining a book club is a great way to do that. Knowing you have to turn up to a book club and discuss a book with others will help increase your chances of making the time to finish the book before the session.

If you aren’t already a member of a book club then check out PropelHer’s Book Club. PropelHer’s Book Club is a women-only book with a focus on reading non-fiction books to help you with your personal development and professional success. You can find out more and join PropelHer’s Book Club by clicking here.



Whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur it is important to take a break. Having a break has been proven to make you more productive and if you spend your working day looking at a screen then taking a break is also great for your eyes. Reading on your lunch will give your mind and eyes a break and 20 minutes a day will quickly add up to over a 1.5 hours per week.



Hopefully having read this post you will not have found at least one way you can make more time in your life to read books.

In the comments below please do share any other tips you have to make time to read more or share which tip you are going to try.

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