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Secrets to Success: Playing To Your Strengths

So you want to be more successful? Want to know the learn the secrets of the most successful people in the world? Well, you are in the right place! Success isn’t a mystery and having studies show there are common themes. One of those themes is PLAYING TO YOUR STRENGTHS.

When you look at most successful people you will see a common theme – they play to their strengths. Everyone is gifted in some way shape or form. It is just a fact of nature that there will be some things you find easy that other people don’t and vice versa. Successful people manage to develop their strengths to a point where they can provide incredible value in one particular area.

So do you know what your strengths are? If you don’t, don’t fret here are a few things you can do.

1) Write down all the things that people ask you to help them with

A great place to start is to think of all the ways people ask you to help them already. Are you good at helping people with their finances, building IKEA furniture, organising a party or negotiating a deal. If someone is asking for help then you are clearly better than they are in that area.


2) Write down all of things you find easy

Maybe you are whizz with numbers or can turn a piece of material into a 3-piece suit. A starting point could be to think of the subjects you excelled in at school. Then consider in the workplace what duties you find easy. And then look at your day-to-day life? Is there something people moan about and it is just second nature to you?


3) Take a personality test

Quite often when you are considering your strengths you will be focusing on your skills. However, sometimes your strength could be to do with your personality. There are numerous personalist test, with a very common one being Myers Briggs. You can take a free version of the test here. People are divided into 16 types based on 4 areas and you will be given a 4 letter answer and a breakdown of what your personality type means.


4) Ask people

Sometimes we are oblivious to our strengths. This is partially due to the fact it can be so easy to us, that it doesn’t really feel like a skill. So ask those around you “What strengths would you say I have?” or “What help would you come to me before?”. Then listen to their response. It might even surprise you.


To recap – You have strengths and by being able to focus on them you can provide the world with value and make yourself more valuable to customers, clients and businesses. To discover your strengths think about all the things people ask you to help them with and what you find easy. You can take a personality test and finally you can just ask other people.

I would urge you to take the time to consider your strengths. When we are playing to your strengths it makes being successful more likely. So go through the steps in the video and let me know in the comments what your strengths are.