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Take Time Off

How To Take Time Off and Have A Digital Detox

How to take time off and have a Digital Detox - PropelHer

Are you ready for a digital detox? Need a well-deserved break and just time out? Then this post is for you as today I am going to be discussing why you should regularly take time out (and try a digital detox if you dare!)

Prefer to watch than read? Then check out the video version!


This week’s post is very close to my heart! We live in a world that is go, go, go! I love to work and it is so easy for me to work 7 days a week, but taking time out is essential!

With Christmas on the horizon, it is a natural time for me to take a break from working so I wanted to share my top tips on taking time out and how to do a digital detox.


Step 1 – Set your time off in advance

There is always going to be something you need to do. If you are naturally someone who loves to work then the best you can do is schedule time off in your diary. Maybe you give yourself dedicated time off every week, every month or maybe you just book have a week or fortnight off at times throughout the year.

If you are working for someone else then book your holiday up far in advance. When I was first working I never took enough of my holiday. I was so obsessed with trying to climb the career ladder I would leave it till the last minute and then it would clash with other people, or I wouldn’t be going away so I would end up working anyway. Do not make that mistake! Decide now when you will be having time off.


Step 2 – Decide on what you will do with your time off

If you are like me and struggle with time off then the best way to commit to it is by planning what you will do with your time off. Time off doesn’t mean you have to sit in bed all day and really do nothing. Maybe you decide you will go for a lovely walk, catch up with an old friend, make yourself gorgeous meals, go see a show, read a fiction book, have a film marathon etc. Use this time to do things you really enjoy. It is a great time to catch up on some well-deserved self-care.


 Step 3  – Try a digital detox

Now if you want to really maximise the replenishing effects of your time off of work I would recommend you also try a digital detox. There have been so many studies about the negative impact digital gadgets are having on our lives and this video is all about taking time out so you can re-connect with yourself and go back to work re-energised.

Now the hardcore option is to go away and put all your devices in a vault, but that isn’t always possible.

A method I like is to set a limit on the time you are allowed. For example, last year I went on a lovely beach holiday to Tenerife, but thanks to Instagram unless I wanted no updates for a week I had to physically log in to post, so I set myself a 15 minutes limit. Every evening I would have a cocktail in the bar, turn my phone on. Quickly post on Instagram, check nothing “urgent” had come through on Instagram or Facebook and then turn my phone back off. Even though I had been on my phone during the break, by the end I felt totally refreshed. So maybe set yourself a time limit per day and you can always give your phone to someone else to take the temptation away to break the rules.


So that’s it!

I would love to know in the comments below how you ensure that you are taking time out.