The Organized Mind – Book Review – PropelHer’s Book Club

The Organized Mind by Daniel Levitin - Book Summary Review

On Monday 6th April 2020, PropelHer’s Book Club discussed The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by Daniel Levitin. 

In this summary of The Organized Mind, I will be briefly summarising the book to help you make a decision about whether you should read it for yourself.

This book was selected for the group because as ambitious women who are committed to their personal and professional development information overload is common. On a quest to improve your life and become the best version of yourself it is possible to get overwhelmed with options and information.


In the beginning, the book talks about how the brain works. It explains why we forget things and how our brain stores information. Understanding how you bran stores and recalls information is very important. You need to understand how your brain functions in order to work with your brain rather than against it.


Part two of the book breaks down how to get organised in relation to specific areas of your life:


Organising your home

Organising your social media

Organising your time

Organising information for the hardest decision

Organising the business


In each area, Daniel talks about the current issues in relation to organisation and then share ways on how you can address those issues.


Overall, this book was a hard read for the majority of PropelHer’s Book Club. The main section of the book is 383 pages, which is no small challenge (especially with a fairly small font). The book is well researched and especially in the beginning chapters, there are lots of concepts introduced so you really have to pay attention to what you are reading. However, whilst the book is highly researched and contains lots of great information Daniel doesn’t make it easy for the reader to be able to apply this new knowledge.


Like the sound of The Organized Mind. Why not buy a copy and read it yourself?

The Organized Mind was read as part of PropelHer’s Book Club. PropelHer’s Book Club is a personal development book club for ambitious women that meet up virtually and in London. Every month PropelHer’s Book Club reads a different book to help ambitious women concentrate on their personal development and professional success. You can see what else we have read so far here. If you would like to join PropelHer’s Book Club you can find full details here.

PropelHer's Book Club 2020

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