7 tips to boost your confidence in professional settings

7 tips to boost your confidence in professional settings

Confidence plays a major role in the success you will achieve in your career or business. We have all met someone, who is just as intelligent or capable as you, but somehow has rocketed to great professional heights and often that high-speed success journey has been the result of confidence. That’s why improving your confidence is key and here are 7 tips to boost your confidence in professional settings.


Do something every day that scares you

Your confidence is not going to change overnight, but a way to quickly build confidence is to push yourself often outside of your comfort zone. Think of something you can do every day to push your confidence levels.



Think long-term

A great way to boost your confidence is to think about the long term. Often the fear that stops you from doing something is around a relatively short time period. Think about it… Maybe you have an awkward phone call that is going to be 20 minutes or you have to deliver an hour-long presentation. It may seem like an eternity at the time, but if the grand scheme of things it isn’t a lot of time and if the possible outcome has massive advantages that should help you to build the courage and confidence to go for it!


Don’t worry about what other people will think

When it comes to confidence lots of people worry about stepping outside of their comfort zone and trying something they are less confident with because they are worried of falling and ultimately what other people will think of them. You can’t focus on what other people will think of you. If you don’t push yourself to grow your confidence, try new things and essentially grow than you are going to get left behind. Let’s be honest you are being judged regardless so you might as well be judged for trying to improve yourself and your future than being judged whilst standing still.


Own your strengths

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but it is common to notice your weaknesses and forget your strengths. To boost your confidence it is key that you own your strengths. If you achieve something great think about what you did that was key to achieving that thing. Are you a great communicator, highly organised or a whizz with design? Whatever your strengths are own them and make sure you bring them to the forefront as much as possible.



Improve your knowledge

Now it is likely that you are already knowledgeable. However, if you have a knowledge gap that you know is holding you back – fill it in.


Cut negative thoughts and talk

It is likely that you are your own worst enemy. So many people say things to themselves on a daily basis that they would never say to another person. Pay attention to what you think about yourself and, if you are someone who talks to yourself, what you say to yourself. Words are powerful so ensure you aren’t telling yourself negative things that will reduce your confidence.


Focus on your success

A great way to boost your confidence is to remember what a capable woman you are. Now in an ideal world, you would always know that you are amazing and have achieved so much in your life, but it is natural to forget about your successes and dwell on your failures. To overcome this create a place to store all of your successes! This could be as simple as a list in the notes app on your phone or a folder on your desktop or in your email. The point is whenever you do something great you make a note in that space so you can refer back in times when you need to be your own cheerleader.


That’s it. There you have 7 tips to help you boost your confidence in professional settings.

If you know of any other tops tips share them in the comments below and if you decide to try something out share your experience below.

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