Why you should write down your successes every night

Why you should write down your successes every night

Do you journal at the moment? Maybe you do and you’d like to add another layer or maybe you are thinking of starting and not sure how to start? If so, keep on reading as you will find out why you should write down your successes every night (in a journal).


When it comes to daily habits journalling is a great one to develop whether it is in the morning, at night or both. Something magical happens when you put pen to paper and in a world that is increasingly digital, it is great to take a moment to write something for you!

Now there are lots of different ways to journal. You can write continuously and freely, you can respond to a variety of prompts, you can journal an affirmation over and and over again or you can write out your goals. However, writing your successes before is definitely something you should include and here is why.


1 – Writing down your wins will put you in a positive frame of mind before falling asleep

Our brains don’t switch off when we fall asleep. Setting a positive frame of mind before you fall asleep will hopefully help you fall asleep quicker (surely it is better to be in a positive mood thinking about everything you have achieved, than worrying about something). Also, falling asleep in a positive frame of mind should support positive dreams.


2 – You have a list of successes to refer back to

Have you ever had that feeling when you think you aren’t getting anywhere? If you are ambitious, then it is likely that you are answered yes. Now it can be easy for someone else to turn around and say “You’re great” or “You are doing a wonderful job” or “Look at all the things you have achieved”. However, if that person isn’t someone who we regard highly it is easy to dismiss those comments based on the fact we see their level of excellence as different to ours.

But… how can you argue with yourself?

By writing a list of successes as you achieve them you can refer back to a list that has been written in accordance with your thoughts, beliefs and opinions.



3 – Acknowledging your success will improve your confidence and self-esteem

Spending the time to think back over your day and physically write down everything you have achieved will allow you to acknowledge how great you truly are and all you have achieved. Often high-achievers are so busy focusing on a big goal that they lose sight of the daily wins. As soon as they achieve something they are onto the next. Acknowledging your wins is important. It shows you that you are achieving and, most importantly, you are capable of achieving. This knowledge will help strengthen your confidence and self-esteem as you move onto future challenges.


4 – It will help you to be aware of whether your wins are moving you closer to achieving your goals.

Writing down your successes every night gives you the opportunity to see if your daily successes fit with your major goals. It is easy to achieve and not be moving closer to your goals. For example, maybe your main goal at the moment is to be a public speaker. However, when you look down your list your successes include: getting up before your alarm and practising your daily routine, eating 3 balanced meals, going for a 5km run, signing a new client and persuading your boss to implement your suggestion. These are all great wins, but none of them are related to your major goal.


WARNING: Don’t get caught on the success wheel. Your aim isn’t to achieve for the sake of achieving, but achieving to fulfil your ambitions.


That’s it! 4 reasons why you should write down your daily success in your journal every night.


Want to develop your journalling practice further? Check out Journalling for success: 4 prompts to start journalling today.

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