11 Self-reflection questions to ask yourself for personal growth

11 Self-reflection questions to ask yourself for personal growth

Personal growth doesn’t just happen. If you want to change yourself for the better you have to be intentional about the person you want to become. That can mean spending some quality time with yourself to ask some hard questions. Self-reflection isn’t always easy, but it will help you to move in the right direction going forward.

Here are 11 self-reflection questions to help you get started.



1) What do I love about my life?

This is a nice question to ease you into your self-reflection session. Starting my focusing on what you love will enable you to firstly be grateful for your current life, but also understand what you would like to do more of.


2) What don’t I like about my life?

Once you have identified everything you love about your life it is time to identify everything you don’t like. This is not an opportunity for you to moan, but a chance to acknowledge the things you don’t like about your life and then start to consider which things you can take action to change.


3) Am I learning from my mistakes?

Making mistakes is a natural part of life, but for mistakes to be valuable for your personal growth you need to be learning from them. Spend some time thinking about recent mistakes you have made and work out why or how the mistakes happened. What can you do to ensure you don’t repeat those mistakes going forward?


4) Am I consistently pushing my own boundaries?

In order to grow, you have to be constantly pushing yourself. Are you sitting very much in your comfort zone or have you been trying to push yourself out of it. If you aren’t already pushing your boundaries think about how you can push yourself going forward.


5) Am I using my time wisely?

Time is a great unifier. Every human being on the planet only has 24 hours a day. It is your responsibility to be using your time as wisely as possible. Are you currently wasting chunks of time? Can you reduce this wastage going forward?


6) Am I nurturing the relationships I value?

Relationships play a major role in our lives, yet it can be an area we often neglect. In fact, it is often the people we love the most that we treat the worst because we feel we can get away with it. What relationships are important to you? Have you recent actions showed that person that you appreciate them? If not, what can you do in the future to nurture this relationship?


7) Am I taking care of myself physically?

How you treat your body is a good indicator of how much you value yourself? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating and drinking healthily? Are you exercising regularly? Do you feel you have the energy to do everything you need to do?


8) Am I holding on to something I need to let go of?

It is difficult to move forward if you are holding onto the past? Maybe it is something someone did to you or maybe it is something you did. Either way, holding onto the negative feelings is not going to help you create a positive future. Acknowledge what you are holding onto and work to be able to let go.


9) Am I living true to myself?

Some people find it easy to live a life that is true to themselves, whilst others get caught up living a life that they feel others expect them to have. Right now it is just you reflecting so be honest – Are you living the way you would really want to?


10) Did today’s actions support my life goals?

To achieve your major life goals you need to consistently be taking action. However, on a day-to-day basis, it is easy to get caught up in ‘life’ and not keep your goals front of mind. Use this time to see how aligned your actions are with your ultimate goals.


11) Do I believe I can achieve the goals I have set for myself?

Even if you are taking action towards achieving your goals you need to really believe you can achieve your goals. Do you believe your goals are too big for you? Or do you believe they are big but you will find a way. If you don’t believe you can achieve your goals you need to work on changing your mindset.  If you need help to change your mindset you can read Change your mindset to change your life.


That’s it! 11 self-reflection questions to ask yourself.

I hope these questions will help you to start developing a regular self-reflection practice and support you in your personal growth.

I would love to know in the comments below which question(s) got you thinking.

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