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7 ways to maximise your productivity

7 ways to maximise your productivity

Looking for ways to improve your productivity? We all have the same amount of hours in the day but there are some people who seem to be able to use them more effectively than others. In this post, you’ll find out 7 ways to maximise your productivity.


1 – Minimise multitasking

When it comes to productivity multitasking is the enemy. Most people feel that multitasking means they are getting more done, but every time you switch between tasks you are actually losing time. Therefore, choose a task and stick to it until you have finished.


2 – Batch similar tasks together

This point builds on point 1. Not only should you concentrate on doing one task at a time, but if there are similar tasks you need to complete then do these back to back. This could be anything from doing all of your emails at designated times, focusing on doing all your design tasks together or collating all of your writing tasks.


3 – Maximise dead time

We all have 24 hours a day, but some people end up having more dead time than others. Travel is a common deadtime whether that is for a daily commute or for one-off occasions. Depending on how you are travelling you could use that time to read, listen to podcasts or complete specific tasks on your mobile.


4 – Plan your day the night before

To use your time as productively as possible it is great to wake up in the morning with a clear idea of what you need to do and when. It is likely that you have a to-do list or have some commitments in your diary, but the night before you should set some time aside to plan your day. As mention in point 2 batch similar tasks together and also think about if you will have any dead time that you can maximise.


5 – Set a timer

There is a time management technique called the Pomodoro technique. The technique is based on using a tomato-shaped kitchen timer, but any timer would work. The idea is when you start each task to set the timer for the amount of time you need and when the timer goes off you should have finished the task and give yourself a break to reward yourself.


6 – Eliminate distractions

Technology has many ways of helping you to increase your productivity, but if you aren’t careful it can be detrimental to your productivity. When you are working you need to minimise your distractions as much as possible. Turn off notifications on your mobile phone and if possible don’t keep your emails open.


7 – Keep a notebook closeby

As mentioned earlier, a key way to maximise your productivity is to focus on one thing at a time. However, it is likely that your mind will wander from time to time, or you will have moments where you have ideas pop into your mind. Keeping a notebook closeby means you can quickly write down whatever pops into your mind and then got back to the task at hand.


That’s it! There are 7 ways to maximise your productivity. I hope you find these tips helpful and if you have any other productivity tips you swear by please leave them in the comments below.

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