The importance of using a planner, diary or calendar | Productivity Hacks

The importance of using a planner, diary or calendar - Productivity Hacks - PropelHer

Trying to manage your time better? Want to be more productive? In this post, I’m sharing why having a planner or diary (and using it!) is key to maximising your time management and productivity.


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A question I get asked a lot is about time management. Running a business, working full-time and having a blog means I have a lot of work to do on a weekly basis and a key part of me delivering everything (virtually always) on time is by having a diary.



With a full-time job there is a large part of my week that isn’t mine. I have a weekly calendar with the times blocked for work, commute, morning routine and sleep. This then leaves me with the amount of time I have left in the week. Now I am left with blocks of time and ideally I try to fill a block with a batch task. If you haven’t heard of batching that is where you do the same task over and over again. For example, a batch task could be doing your emails, ringing your friends, scheduling your social media or writing blog posts.

Now depending on your life you might need to do this weekly. My life is quite routine so I only redo my weekly calendar when I have an out of the norm week.


STEP 2: Take your weekly tasks and block them in

Now you know what time you have available you need to write a list of everything you need to do this week and then block them in. You should include everything from having to do the food shop, cleaning (if you do your own), to self-care time. Then you pull out your weekly calendar and then start blocking in when you will do all of your tasks.

You should physically be adding them into your digital calendar or writing them into your planner.

I would also recommend that you add in at least 2 buffer blocks. This is where nothing is booked in so if an emergency happens you have the flexibility in the week.


STEP 3: Stick to it

When it comes to planning your time it really is quite simple. Work out what time you have and fit in the tasks you have. However, the key to the success is to stick to it. If you get an unexpected call in the middle of something you have two choices. Leave the call until your task is done, or take the call and then move your current task into one of your buffer blocks. You also need to learn to say no. The reason most people can’t fit everything into their week is because they say yes to too many things. I created a video about saying no before so I will link to that above and in the description box.


Make a plan and stick to it!

I would love to know in the comments below about how you manage your time.


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