4 Boundaries You Need To Set To Maximise Your Success

Boundaries You Need To Set To Maximise Your Success

Want to maximise your level of success? Successful people know that setting boundaries is key. You simply can’t do everything!

So today I will be sharing 4 boundaries you should set in your life to maximise your success.

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Setting boundaries allows you to focus on what is important to you and ensure you are concentrating on what matters. Here are the four boundaries successful people set in their life.



Successful people know that time is their most precious resource. We all have 24 hours a day and that is it! So make sure you are setting boundaries around your time.

The first thing to do is schedule into your diary all of your essential activities. This should be everything that is important to you! So that can be your work hours, family time, exercise time, personal development time, holidays etc. There are no right or wrong things to schedule, but what is important is that you are actively choosing how you spend your time. If you need help becoming a scheduling queen then check out “The importance of using a planner, diary or calendar”. 

By scheduling all of your essential activities you are then in a better state to respond to requests. When requests come in you can look at your diary and see if you have the time available, rather than agreeing automatically and then later on realising the compromise you had made.



Have you ever spoken to a successful person and be in awe of how positive, uplifting and energetic they are. That sort of high-vibe energy is infectious and I believe plays a large role in why successful people are successful. As a result of that high-vibe energy, they attract other people like that into their life and together these are the sort of people who believe anything is possible.

So ask yourself ‘What do you need to do to keep your energy levels high?’. There are so many things that impact energy levels: sleep, who you spend time with, what you eat, what you drink, what you read, what you watch, what you listen to etc. Work out what helps you to be in a high energy state and then set boundaries to help maximise the time you can stay in that energy zone.


Your Inner Circle

According to motivational speaker Jim Rohn “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. One of the easiest ways to increase your success is the improve your success. It is human nature to want to be like those around us. By improving your circle you are making it easier for you to up your game and improve, but if you don’t improve your circle and spend time with people who are less successful then you are making it harder for yourself. Therefore, it is important to set boundaries around who you let into your inner circle. This can be especially difficult if it involves moving people out of your inner circle. Only you can make a decision about who you spend time with, but remember the lasting impact it has on your life.



In her book, The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington talks about how precious sleep is and that it is important to set boundaries to ensure you have enough sleep. Arianna is known for turning down evening events if she has to fly in the morning because she has made sleep a priority. Sleep plays a vital role in the energy you have but also impacts your mood too. To be successful you need to try as much as possible to be in a positive mood and this is hard to achieve when you are tired.

That’s it! The four boundaries you need to set to maximise your success are time, energy, inner circle and sleep. By setting these boundaries you are protecting what is important and will hopefully be in a better position to really maximise your success.


I would love to know in the comments below one boundary you currently set in your life or one you will do in the future.

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