How to manage your to-do list using the 4d’s of time management

How to manage your to do list using the 4ds of time management

Do you have a never-ending to-do list that is stressing you out? Fed up with always feeling like you have something to do and want to find a system to finally help you complete your to-do list? Well, keep on reading as you will find out how to use the 4D’s of time management to manage your to-do list.


The 4D’s of time management are:

–       Do It

–       Delay It

–       Delegate It

–       Dump It


The idea of the 4D’s of time management is to look at your to-do list and ask yourself which D you should follow. To work out which step to choose you should consider the following:



Is this a task that you can complete today? Do you have the necessary skill (or can quickly find out how to do it) and time to complete the task today? If so, it can stay on your to-do list.



If you have a task that you can’t do today but you know you still need to do it then you will need to delay it. Think realistically about why you can’t do it today. Is there something you need to find out before you can complete the task? Are you waiting for feedback from someone so you need to chase them? Do you need a large chunk of time to complete the task? Get completely clear about what you need in order to complete the task and then decide when you will complete the task. Set aside the time in the future and put it into your diary/calendar.



If you decided to delay a task rather than do it today take a moment to ask yourself “Do I really need to do this task myself?”. If the answer is no, then consider delegating it. For work/business tasks is there someone else in your team or company that can do the task instead of you. For home/life tasks is there anyone else in your family or friends who can help you out.


This is perhaps the hardest of the D’s but especially important for those who have never-ending to-do lists. Look at your tasks and consider “Is this task essential?”. There is always more to do, but you have to get realistic about what you (and the people you can delegate to) can achieve.

Consider how important the task is and what different completing the task will have. If it isn’t worth the time, effort or energy then dump it.

Dumping it is so important. Too many people keep writing the same task down day after day and it is taking up valuable space in your mind. Cross it off your list, decide that whilst it might be nice there are more important things to focus on and free your mind.

That’s it! You now know the 4D’s of time management and can start using it to manage your to-do list.

I would love to know in the comments below if this has been useful.

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