How to be successful: Practise Gratitude Daily

How To Be Successful - Practise Gratitude Daily - PropelHer

Want to be more successful? Trying to find out the secrets to success? If so, then you are in the right place as in this post I will be sharing why practice gratitude daily is key to your success and how you can start practising gratitude today.


Prefer to watch than read? Then check out the video version!


You are often advised that if you want to be successful, to follow what other successful people do. And as I have spent more and more time delving into the world of personal development and how people have achieved their success I have discovered common themes.

One of those common themes is practicing gratitude… or as I like to called it developing a “gratitude attitude”.

It is easy when you are ambitious to always be looking forward and wanting more in your life, but by developing a “gratitude attitude” and ensuring every day you are grateful for your life as it is will help you to grow.

To ensure you practise gratitude daily I recommend two things you can try:

1) Have a gratitude journal

Now some people have a journal that is dedicated just to gratitude. I just have gratitude as one of the four areas I journal about every morning. My morning journalling routine spells out GAGA and if you would like to find out what else I journal then check out Journalling For Success post.

Whether you decide to have a dedicated journal or a section in your journal the aim is to write down every day (you can choose morning, night, or both)  at least 3 things you are grateful for. And if you really want to push yourself then think of 3 things that you have written down before.


2) Have a gratitude jar

A gratitude jar is where you write down on pieces of paper what you are grateful for and then place them in the jar. The advantage of a jar is that visually it is easy to see just how many things in your life you are grateful for. Also, when you have a moment where you aren’t feeling so great you can just dip your hand in and pull something out to remind you that there are so many things in your life to be grateful for, even if right in that moment you don’t feel. Whilst you can use any paper to write your gratitude on it definitely is nice when you use colour paper.


So that is two ways you can practice gratitude daily. Whether you decide on the journal, or the jar, or both, the point is to make it a daily practice to be grateful for the wonderful life you already have.

As an ambitious woman myself I know how hard it can be when you want so much more, but if you are able to watch this video then I am sure there are plenty of things you can be grateful for right now.


I would love to know in the comments below one thing you are grateful for in your life.

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