How To Create A Night-Time Routine To Set Yourself Up For Success

How To Create A Night-Time Routine To Set Yourself Up For Success

Are you looking for a night time routine to help you be more successful? Want to finish the day positively? Well, check out this post as I will be sharing how you can create your very own night time routine to set yourself up for success.

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It is no doubt that habits make the person and that is why daily routines are so important. I have spoken a lot about morning routines but realised I hadn’t spoken about night-time routines, which are just as important, so that’s what inspired today’s post. 

Below you will find 8 things you can add to your night-time routine:

1) Set a bedtime

If you also follow a morning routine it is likely that you know what time you need to wake up, so a major part of a night-time routine should involve getting you into bed with enough time to sleep. So work out what time you need to go to sleep and then set an alarm that is xx minutes before bedtime. The alarm should act as a signal that you should stop what you are doing a start your night-time routine.


2) Stop watching TV using your phone at least 30 minutes before going to bed

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that watching tv and using your phone just before bed isn’t good for you so make your whole night time routine not involve those items so there is a gap between you looking at a screen and going to bed.


3) Exercise

Some people swear by some gentle stretches or yoga before bed. I normally like to do my exercise in the morning, but for a while, I did yoga before bed and I did find it a great way to wind down and prepare for bed. For some people exercise wakes them up, but for others, it can tire them out ready to go to sleep. Give it a go and see whether it works for you or not.


4) Journalling

Journalling at the end of the day is a great way to take a moment to reflect and also you can set your intentions for the next day. If you are new to evening journalling check out my post ‘4 Journalling Prompts for your Evening Journal.’


5) Affirmations

Affirmations should be repeated multiple times a day so adding them into your nighttime routine is a great way to ensure that you are practicing them at least once a day.


6) Reading

I know I talk about reading all the time, but having in your night-time routine is great. As a child, I would always read before bed and wish I had never fallen out of that habit. Reading before bed not only means you are giving yourself a length of time away from a screen before bed, but if you are absorbing new information then it will be fresh in your mind for your brain to process as you sleep.


7) Visualisation

Visualisation is a powerful technique that revolves around you imagining your future as vividly as possible. It is a very popular personal development and law of attraction technique. Similar to reading one of the reasons it is great to do it before bed is because then it is top of mind as you drift off to sleep.


8) Listen to something

If you are someone who doesn’t fall to sleep instantly then you could use the time in bed to listen to an audiobook or a meditation.


There you go! That is the 8 ideas you can consider for your night-time routine, but really the possibilities are endless.


I would love to know in the comments below one thing in your night-time routine that you love.

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