4 Journalling Prompts For Your Evening Journal

journalling prompts for your evening journal blog

Want to start journalling at night? Or just want to have some new prompts for your nighttime journalling practice? Well check out this post as I will be sharing some of my favourite nighttime prompt

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I am a big fan of journalling and I have previously written about the journalling prompts I use int he morning, which follows a GAGA technique. (You can check out that post here).

Now morning journalling is a great way to start the day, but there is also great value in journalling a night so here are a few prompts that you could consider using when writing in your evening journal.


1) Did I complete the actions I set out to achieve today?

One of the A’s in my GAGA morning journalling routine stands for ACTIONS and every morning I write down 3 actions that I want to take that day. This is a great way to focus myself. Now that we are reflecting at the end of the night you can access if you completed the actions. If you didn’t think complete the actions then think about WHY you didn’t. Was it something in your control or not? Is the action pushing you outside of your comfort zone and that is why you are putting it off? Should you be putting it on your action list for tomorrow or should you forget about it all together?


2) What am I grateful for today?

A personal development concept I swear by is gratitude. I have previously written about why you should practice gratitude daily (You can read the blog post here). Having a prompt every night to focus on what you are grateful for will help reinforce this new habit and rather than being grateful for generic things you can focus on what happened in the day that you are grateful for.


3) Did I learn anything new today?

I have recently just finished reading Mindset by Dr Carol S Dweck and it really made me consider the fact we should be putting more of an emphasis on what we have learnt. Hopefully, you are learning something new every day and having the prompt will help you to record your new learnings. And if you haven’t learnt anything then it is a sign that you need to be adding more learning opportunities into your day whether that be listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, reading books or trying new things.

4) What did I do today to make yourself proud?

It is too easy to always be looking forward and what you have to achieve and not reflecting on all the amazing things you are already doing. You are amazing and I know you are doing great things that should be acknowledged so acknowledge them!


So that is 4 of a possible thousand evening journal prompts that you could consider using. Rather than generic prompts that could be written at any time of the day I have tried to include prompts that get you to reflect on the day you have just experienced and what you are trying to achieve.

I would love to know in the comments below whether you currently journal at night and what your favourite journal prompt is.

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