How to increase your visibility

How to Increase Your Visibility - PropelHer

Are you hiding? Are you waiting for someone else to highlight how amazing you are?

Lack of visibility is one of the reasons women don’t achieve the level of success they deserve.

Find out how to increase your visibility below. 



It absolutely saddens me how many smart, hard-working women believe that by being good at what they do they will receive the recognition and the level of success they deserve. It’s a nice idea, but it just isn’t how it works in the real world. 

The truth is that those who are visible and known in their industry receive promotions, are approached with projects, are asked to speak at conferences and inevitably earn more money.

Whether you work for yourself or someone else, you need to ensure you are working to improve your visibility and position yourself as the amazing woman you are. There are two steps to the process:

1 – What do you want to be known for?

Before focusing on making yourself more visible you need to clear on what you want to be known for. What is your expertise? What type of work do you want to be known for? What do you want people to associate with you?

Try to narrow your list as much as possible. The more specific you can get the better, but I am definitely not perfect at this. I have five core areas of interest: personal development, female empowerment, business, marketing or books. They form the basis of all the projects and work I do.


2 – Where do I need to be visible?

Once you have decided what you want to be known for you need to work out how to make yourself visible to increase your level of success. 

Depending on your industry there will be different methods of making yourself visible and some will be more effective than others. However, some ways to make yourself more visible would be:

  • Is there an industry publication you could appear in or write for, in order to position yourself as an expert?
  • How can you network with the power people in your industry?
  • Do you have your own website?
  • Should you write a blog? Should it be on LinkedIn or your own platform?
  • Do you need to use social media? What platforms are the best for your industry?
  • Are their conferences you should be at?
  • Are there key events in your industry you should attend?

That is just some things to consider when looking to make yourself more visible. What you want to be concentrating on is how are you increasing your visibility in front of the people that matter. So if you want a promotion you would want your manager/senior management or leadership team to realise how amazing you are. However, if you want to be involved in more collaborations in your industry then you would want to focus on activity that positions you as an expert in the industry. And if you want to be more visible in front of clients you would probably focus on building your social media activity.

Bonus Tip

If you are struggling to decide on what you should focus on then think about a person from your industry who has the level of success you desire. Are they speaking at conferences? Do they run their own blog? Are they active on LinkedIn? Each industry is different, but by looking at people in your industry who are successful you will hopefully reveal common themes that will hope you focus your energy in the right direction.

And I know this is another layer of work, but it is worth it. When you increase your visibility more opportunities come your way, your network will increase and your level of success and income too. In the beginning, trying to raise your visibility can be difficult, but momentum will begin to kick in and the rewards for being well-known in your industry will be worth it. It will make people come knocking on your door rather than the other way round.


So go be seen and heard!

And if you are feeling brave I would love to know how you plan to increase your visibility in the next month, so please comment below. 




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  • Claudia Crawley
    7 June 2017 at 5:30 pm

    I so agree with you Charelle. Hard work alone doesn’t bring success. People need to know who you are, what you’re working hard on and what value you’re giving to your organisation or customers. So, yes, let’s go and get visible.

    • Charelle
      7 June 2017 at 5:36 pm

      Glad to hear you agree. Great minds think alike. It is definitely your responsibility to make sure others know your true value.