How to set yourself up for success in 2018


Are you ready to set yourself up for success? Determined to be wildly successful this year? Ready to make the kind of progress other people dream of? Well this blog post is for you, as I am going to walk you through a step-by-step process to set you up for your best year yet!


Prefer to watch than read? Then check out the video version!



This post is a little longer than usual, so I have created a FREE workbook that goes through the steps so you can start planning how to create more success in your life. You can download the link by filling in your details below.


Success means something different to everyone and it is key that you take the time to really understand what success means to you.



Now that you know what success looks like for you, it is time to set goals that will turn your dream of success into a reality.

I would recommend you choose a maximum of 3 goals at this moment in time. This doesn’t mean you don’t want to achieve more things in your life. It just means there are a maximum of 3 things that right now will be your focus. Then as soon as you have achieved those goals you can move your focus onto something else.

Think of 3 goals that you can achieve in the coming year and that you would be really proud to achieve.



In addition to writing down your goals, I recommend you write down your why for each goal. When you set a goal it may be obvious, but you write your why down so when things start to get tough – ie. it is 5am and you are waking up to go to the gym or it is a Saturday night and you are working away on your laptop. In either case, having a ‘why’ will help you to remember why you are making the effort and doing what you are doing.



In an ideal world, your why should be a big enough motivation to keep you going, but you are human and I don’t see there being anything wrong with adding a little extra incentive. Your goals are big and therefore, when you achieve them you should definitely celebrate, so why not decide how you will celebrate now and then that way you have something else to look forward to. And this doesn’t need to be BIG celebrations. For example, with the PropelHer YouTube channel I told myself once I hit 100 subscribers I would celebrate with a ring light and for completing a 30-day yoga challenge I celebrated by buying a new yoga outfit. The main thing is to choose something that genuinely excites you.



Having a big goal is great, but if you aren’t careful it can feel overwhelming. Especially when it comes to annual goals. So a good idea is to break your big goal into smaller goals or decide on key milestones.

For some goals this may be easy. For example, one of my goals of 2017 goals was to post 24 videos. So that meant I could have the mini-goal of 2 videos a month (In fact, I smashed that goal with over 50 videos!)

Now if your goal isn’t numbers-orientated so less easy to divide then think of certain actions or phases being milestones.

For example, if your goal is to have published your book by the end of 2018 you could set milestones such as: Decided on book topic, Finalised the chapter structure, First draft complete, Cover designed etc.

The aim is just to make moments so that along the way to your big goal you can see that you are making progress.

These milestones are also great when it comes to tracking!




I don’t know about you but I love being able to tick something off. So once you have decided on your mini-goals or milestones write them all down with a deadline and a space to TICK when you have achieved it. If you download the free worksheet you can find a tracking sheet that I have already created for you that is based on what I use.




The next step is to start creating your action plan. Have a massive brain dump and write down all of the actions you could take to help achieve your goals.

Once you have gone through all of the possible actions, go back through your list and rank the impact that action will have 1 is VERY IMPACTFUL and 5 is NOT VERY IMPACTFUL. This is to help you start to prioritise. It is very easy to end up with a big list of actions, that will all help slightly, but there are a few actions (normally the most scary) that would help you to make progress quicker!

Now for everything that you marked a 1 or 2 I want you to go through your calendar or planner and mark in when you will take that action.

This is the very simple version, I love planning and with my clients I go into detail about how to plan your month, week and day. If you would like to find out more about working with me 1:1 click here.



After going through all of those steps I am sure you can’t imagine forgetting your goals, but trust me people do! You have chosen goals that are really important to you and you are committed to achieving them so you should make sure that a single day doesn’t go by without you thinking about them.

In order to do this there are a number of things you can do to keep your goals front of mind.

  • You could create a vision board. This can be a physical board that you have in your home or you could have a digital vision board on Pinterest. (Read how to create a vision board on pinterest here).
  • You could create a background for your phone or desktop. I create a new phone screensaver every year that reinforces my focuses for the year
  • You could set reminders in your phone so every day you get a message pop up on your phone
  • You could put a note, or post-it note, somewhere you look daily like the fridge, the mirror or the back of the toilet door.


After all of this I am sure you know your goals! You know your mini-goals and you know the actions you need to take. But there is a major difference between knowing and doing! And that is where accountability comes into play!



And as far as I am concerned the best way to get out there and do something, you need to share them with people who will hold you accountable.

If your goals are secret you are only letting yourself down and how strict are you on yourself?

Now this isn’t about you being weak BUT if you want to make above average progress then you will need to taking big actions. Actions that will most likely push you out of your comfort zone.

You can find this accountability through an accountability partner, a mastermind or a coach. The key thing is to choose someone who you trust to actually hold you accountable and will challenge you if you don’t keep to your intentions.



That’s it!

9 steps to set yourself up for success. Don’t forget if you didn’t grab the free worksheet fill in your details below.



As you will see it isn’t rocket science.Essentially it comes down to 3 elements: setting clear goals, creating an action plan and being held accountable. And those 3 elements form the foundation of my 1:1 coaching programme Propel Me Into Success.

If you know are ready to stop playing around and have a coach who will help you follow the right strategy and hold you accountable then book your absolutely free discovery call today. We will discuss your goals, how you are going to achieve them and go into more detail about how my 1:1 programme can specifically help you! You can book a call at link is in the description box.


Now I would love in the comments below one of the goals you wrote down at Step 2.


Set Yourself Up For Success in 2018

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