Now, Future, Maybe Goals List

Now Future Maybe Goals List

Do you have things you would like to achieve that are running round your head but can’t be written down as they don’t fit into your current plan? If so, it might be worth you writing a Now, Future, Maybe Goals List.


When it comes to setting goals I’m pretty strict. I like to include deadlines and milestones. I try to write them out daily. I have accountability partners to keep me on track. It is all very rigid, but I know that doesn’t work for everyone (including me at times). With that in mind, I wanted to introduce you to the idea of creating Now, Future, Maybe Goals List.


The Now, Future, Maybe Goals List is a very simple way to categories your goals and give the goals that aren’t in your plan yet a place to live.


To make a list you can either take a piece of paper or open a document on your computer and you want to create three columns with the headers NOW, FUTURE and MAYBE at the top.


Then you will place your goals into the relevant column based on the information below.



This is the list of goals you are actively working on. This normally will be goals that you aim to achieve within the next year.



Maybe you have got a 3-year, 5-year or 10-year plan. This means you have future goals. You know what you want to achieve but you might not be actively working on one of those goals right now. It may be that you have a NOW goal that is creating the foundation for your FUTURE goal. For example, maybe your future goal is to buy a house, but right now your goal is to pay off your credit card debt.

Also with future goals, the timing is much more relaxed. You know it is in your mid-term future, but because there are more variables you can’t plan with as much detail as goals you will achieve in the year.



The final list is for you to put all other goals. If you are like most people you may have big goals that you aren’t willing to commit to yet. Maybe the life you dream of is so far away that you can’t imagine it actually happening, but you really wish it was.

You can also use your someday list for goals you aren’t 100% committed to yet. It might be something you think you want. It might be something that you want when you are at a different stage of your life.



Dividing your goals into these three lists is a great way for you to be able to get all of your goals out of your head, but without having to commit to everything. There is a tendency, especially amongst overachievers, to not want to commit to setting goals because they don’t want to fail. Having a someday goals list is a great way for you to be able to write down your wildest dreams, but with no pressure. At this moment in time, you are saying someday. The goals aren’t in your 1-year plan or even your 10-year plan. You’ve made no commitment, which means you can change your mind and take the goal off the list whenever you choose.

Also, have a future list enables you to think slightly further ahead into the future, without having to have a solid 3-year, 5-year or 10-year plan. It allows you to think about your future but in a partial way. Maybe the only thing you know is you want to move abroad, or reach a certain level in your career, to buy a property or have a certain amount of savings. A future goals list doesn’t need to be a full plan you can put whatever you do know on the list write now and add to it as you go along.


That’s it! Now you know how to write a Now, Future, Maybe Goals List and understand why it can be helpful. I would love to know in the comments whether you gave this method a go.



Want more help with setting goals? Check out the following:

How to set 10-year goals

Set goals using the Be, Do, Have model

Learn how to use the SMART method

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