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How to change your mindset to change your life: Why your mind is the key to your success

Change your mindset to change your life - PropelHer

Have you been trying to change your life unsuccessfully? Are you unsure about how to create the drastic shift in your life you desire? Have you heard about mindset work but not really sure what it is all about? Well this post is for you. As today you will find out how to change your mindset to change your life.



In the world of personal development, life coaching and peak performance training there is a lot of talk about mindset work. It seems that whilst most people are looking for a strategy to be the mystical secret to success the fact is that it really all comes down to your mindset.

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich said, “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past.

Your past results don’t define your future result. If you are able to develop your mind to believe you can achieve whatever something then you will be able to achieve. It is building the belief that is central to changing your life and plays a major role in the 1:1 work I offer.

When it comes to changing your mindset it is a three step process.

1 – Identify and acknowledge your current mindset

Your current mindset is responsible for the person you are today, however, very often you can be unaware of the mindset you have. This is because you have developed the mindset over years and years. You will have learnt many lessons as a child, which may still be playing a role in your life today. A way to start identifying your current beliefs is to think of society cliché statements that belief such as “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “You have to work hard to be successful” and “You don’t get anything in life for free”. This is just the beginning and actually it can be hard to uncover your own beliefs as you don’t always recognise them, which is why working with a coach, like myself, is great. An external ear will be able to pick up on what you are saying and highlight beliefs you don’t even realise you have.  If you would be interested in working with me 1:1 then click here.


2 – Design your new mindset

If your mindset determines your destiny, then why not design a new mindset? So now you have an understanding of your current mindset you can start working out which of those beliefs are supporting you and which need to go. Think about the life you want to lead and then write out all of the beliefs that will help you to create that life. For example “I am the perfect age to succeed” and “I have access to everything I need to be successful”.


3 – Program the new mindset

Once you have established the new mindset you want to have you will have to work at programming it into your mind. This will take some time. You are trying to rewrite a mindset you have possibly held for years, so it won’t happen overnight, but you can change it! The important this is work on your mindset continually. You should set aside a time daily to repeat the new beliefs, which you are trying to embody. This can be done through a number of different techniques including practicing positive affirmations, visualising your future and listening to subliminal tapes.


So that is the three steps it takes to change your mindset and in turn change your life. Are you ready to actually give changing your mindset a go? If so, then I have a great free guide for you. I will walk you through those three steps in much more details and you have the opportunity to actually write down the new mindset you are going to start believing. You can access the free course at

I would love to know in the comments below what current beliefs are holding you back or what new beliefs you are going to embody in order to change your life.