11 daily habits to improve your life

11 Daily habits to improve your life

Want to know the daily habits that will improve your life? If so, you are in the right place. Keep on reading as you’ll discover the 11 daily habits to improve your life.

11 daily habits to improve your life

The habits make the person. If you look at someone’s habits it is very easy to predict the quality of their life. What you do day in and day out matters. Over time it will move you in the right or wrong direction.

Here are 11 habits to move you in the right direction and help improve your life.

1) Exercise
I’m sure you don’t need to be told about the benefits of exercise. This is likely to be one of those habits that you know you should be doing but have been making excuses about. For many people the excuse is that it takes too much time. However, the key is to start small. Unlike when you only go to the gym twice a week and then think you have to do a really long session when you exercise daily it doesn’t have to be that long. You could start off by setting aside just 10 minutes a day and then you could use that time to do a few exercises in your own home. There are so many options for short work out routines out there that there really is no excuse. For starters here is a playlist filled with yoga videos that are less than 10 minutes courtesy of Yoga with Adriene.

2) Put your phone outside your bedroom, off or on aeroplane mode before bed

What is the first thing you do in the morning? If you are like most people then you probably answered with look at my phone. This is a habit that most people have acquired over the last decade, but it can be so hard to break. Arianna discusses in her book The Sleep Revolution. (Check out my review here) about the importance of removing the mobile phone from the bedroom. Placing your mobile outside of your bedroom will help you to break the habit of checking it as soon as you wake up and then means you can focus on doing the most important things first.

3) Make your bed
According to Admiral William H. McRaven, the key to not only improving your life, but also changing the world is making your bed. In his book entitled Make Your Bed (you can find out more about the book here) he explains that by making your bed it ensures you start the day with something completed straight away. It is a great way to start the day as you mean to go on.

4) Read
If you would like to read daily then joining a book club is a great way to be held accountable. If you are an ambitious women who wants to read great books to help improve your life then check out PropelHer’s Book Club. Since 2016 PropelHer’s Book Club has been helping women around the world to read great books and use that knowledge to improve their life. Find out how you can become a member here.

5) Drink enough water
The human body is mainly made up of water and therefore it is vital than you are drinking enough water daily to function as effectively as possible.

6) Spread love
When was the last time you told someone you loved them or did a random act of kindness? Getting into the habit of saying or doing something nice for someone else in the world is a great habit to develop. It will help you to continue to connect positively with the people around you and also make the people around you feel better.

7) Practice positive affirmations daily
Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to help reprogram your brain. They can be practiced by saying them out loud, writing them down, reading them or listening to them. Practicing affirmations is a great daily habit to improve your life because it focuses on helping you to change the way you think about yourself. This in the long-term should help you to implement the other daily habit.

Here are 20 positive morning affirmations to start your day off right.

And if you would like to have a go and creating your own affirmations check out
Affirmations for Success: How to create and practice affirmations daily.

8) Meditate
If there is one daily habit that people try to avoid it is meditation. Something about trying to be still in a world that is so busy feels very unnatural. However, there is so much evidence that shows the benefit of meditating daily (even for a few minutes) that it is worth giving it a go. If you are completely new to meditating a great app to try is Calm.

9) Practice gratitude
A great way to improve your life is by being grateful for your life and every thing or person you have in it. It can be very easy to focus on the negative, which is why developing the daily habits of being grateful is so powerful. This is a great habit to do either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. You can simply say out loud what you are grateful in, have a gratitude jar (find out how to create one here) or write them down in your journal.

10) Journalling
It is time to grab a pen and paper and get writing. There are so many different ways you can journal but the act of sitting down every day to write is powerful. As mentioned above you can use your journal to write about what you are grateful for, you can follow the GAGA method discussed here or you could answer self-reflection questions (Here are 11 to get your started).

Some people follow the same process, whilst other mix it up. There isn’t a right or wrong way. The main thing is to develop the daily habit of journalling.

If you are new to journalling check out this beginner’s guide.

11) Set a bedtime and stick to it
Getting enough sleep is essential to ensuring your body and mind is able to perform at its best. Now if you are someone who doesn’t have control over the time you have to get up due to work, children, partner etc then it is vital that you get into the habit of going to bed at your agreed bedtime. For many adults the thought of a bedtime is weird. They think it is only for children. However, lots of successful people have a bedtime and stick to it because they know that getting enough sleep is vital and therefore, prioritise their sleep.

There you have it. You know now 11 daily habits to improve your life.

Now trying to add all 11 into your life immediately isn’t recommended. Remember the aim to not just start these new actions, but make them a habit.

A great way to ensure you stick to your new daily habit is by tracking your actions. Choose 1-3 from the list above that you would like to practice daily and then create a tracker.You can find out easy and effective ways to track your habits here.

I really hope you have found this useful!

I would love to know in the comments below which daily habit(s) you are going to develop.

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