How to develop a winning mindset

“Success is determined not so much by the size of one’s
brain as it is by the size of one’s thinking”

This quote was written by David J. Schwartz’s PH.D. in The Magic of Thinking Big. This book was originally written in 1959, but the words are still as true today as they were then.

I, like so many, was taught that professional success was based on intelligence. You need to work hard at school, go to University and then a successful career will be yours. So when I first read that quote by David it contradicted everything I believed and had been taught. He was suggesting that your thinking, your mindset, was the key to success. I hadn’t given much thought to my mindset. However, as my knowledge in personal development increased it became a reoccurring theme and it forms a major part of what I teach and coach.

In order to be successful, you have to develop the mindset that supports you. This can be described as a positive mindset, a winning mindset, a success mindset and I am sure there are more names. The point is that your need to work to ensure that your subconscious is working in line with your conscious and it is supporting you to be the best you can be.

So how do you develop that mindset?

Here are my top tips:



Before you can set about creating a positive mindset, it is necessary to really address your current mindset. So often an individual is subconsciously sabotaging themselves without even realising it. One of the things I make every client I work with do is acknowledge all of the fear they associate with success. People always say ‘of course I want to be successful’, but more often than not subconsciously they are worried of becoming too successful and what they would result in: an expensive tax bill, stress, no times for friends and family, too much responsibility, alienation from loved one, too much travel, being in the spotlight from loved one or having to work day and night.

Take a moment to really ask yourself “What fears do I have associated with success?” Once you have a list, you can start addressing them one by one.



Your mindset is not going to change overnight and even when you develop a winning mindset you need to continually work at it. This is why personal development is so important. Ensure you are making the time every day or at least every week for you to develop. This could be through reading books (join PropelHer’s book club), listening to podcasts or watching videos. The point is to find a medium that works for you and then ensure that you make that personal development an integral part of your life.



Your mindset is largely affected by your environment and people make up a large part of that. It is really difficult to develop a winning mentality if you are in a circle of people with a loser mentality. However, on the plus side if you put yourself in a circle of people with a winning mentality then developing this mentality for yourself will be easier. So take a look at your circle. Is the overall mindset of the group where you want to be? If it isn’t then start to find ways to interact with those who have a winning mindset. This is easier today than ever before. You can join a Facebook Group, such as PropelHer’s or check out physical events through sites like I would also recommend checking if there is a suitable Lean In circle for you.



Coaches have been supporting elite athletes, CEOs and world leaders for years. They supported them to break world-records and pushed them to deliver to the best of their ability. However, now you don’t have to be the super elite to have a coach. Now there are coaches who support a wide variety of people from all walks of life. I became a SUCCESS COACH because I wanted to demystify success and support ambitious women to achieve their full potential and wildest dreams. My coaching focuses on how to be successful, which is only achieved through the right strategies and the right mindset. Having the right strategies and tools is great, but you need to believe you can achieve something before you can actually achieve it. As a coach, I support individuals with all three of the above tips. However, having a coach makes it much easier. I will be asking you question to help uncover all of your subconscious fears of becoming successful. I will provide you with an array of resources to help you continually work on developing the winning mindset and through the circle of my clients and myself, you will gain access to others with a winning mindset.


Ready to make your mind your biggest asset? Book your call today to join my 1:1 coaching programme.

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  • Claudia Crawley
    11 February 2017 at 12:22 pm

    Nice one Charelle. We do indeed need to think big to live big and overcome our negative mindsets. Thank you.

    • Charelle
      11 February 2017 at 12:49 pm

      Thank you for your comment Claudia. I couldn’t agree more. Overcoming a negative mindset is the first step to really achieving the life you dream of.