How To Achieve Your Goals: Be Held Accountable

How To Achieve Your Goals - Be Held Accountable

Have you set great goals that you are determined to actually achieve? Being held accountable will drastically improve your success so in this post, I share three ways you can incorporate accountability into your life and achieve your biggest goals.


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If you have followed PropelHer for a while you will know that I am obsessed with goal-setting and most importantly achieving your goals. I am always looking for ways to help people achieve their goals. The truth is I never really understood why people would set goals but not achieve them. Through working with 1:1 clients and listening to the PropelHer community I began to realise how important accountability was in the goal-setting and achieving process.

The fact is most people don’t mind letting themselves down, but they don’t want to be seen as “failure” to others and that is why accountability is so powerful. Once you have declared to someone else that you are going to do something, you are much more likely to take that action and follow through. So you know why accountability is powerful, it is time to get some into your life and here are 3 suggestions:


A coach

As a success coach, a key part of my role is to hold someone accountable. Every week I have sessions with my 1:1 clients where they will declare what they are going to do over the upcoming week and then I will check in with them at the beginning of the next call to see whether they did what they said they were going to do. And if someone hasn’t then I will dig a bit deeper to find out why. Sometimes we can give ourselves too much to do in a week and I totally understand that, but sometimes when people aren’t following through on their actions there could be deeper reasons, such as fear around taking that action. In those circumstances, it is my role to help work through those emotions and ensure my clients are confident in their ability to uptake the actions they are setting each week.


A mastermind

A mastermind, is a term I first came across in Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich. It is where a group of people come together with a specific intention. They have become very popular for entrepreneurs and I have been in one for nearly a year now. Some masterminds are self-managed and free, whilst others are my coaches/trainers etc and paid. In both circumstances, there will be a level of accountability. You will usually have the opportunity to declare your intention or goals for an upcoming period of time and then there will be a review process. I talk to my mastermind weekly and declare one action that I am going to take over the upcoming week and then report back on that. Accountability is just one part of a mastermind, so depending on what other needs you have you may want to check out masterminds further.


An accountability partner

The name accountability partner pretty much sums up exactly what this relationship is based on. 2 people get together and promise to keep each other accountable. For 2017 I had an accountability partner, who was a fellow London-based entrepreneur who had got in touch about attending PropelHer’s Book Club. One the first of every month we either call each other or meet in person to reflect on our month and then set aims for the month ahead. Doing this once a month also gave me the time to really plan and think ahead and once I had made those declarations I knew I needed to complete those actions. Now a possible problem with an accountability partner, which is an unpaid relationship, is when you get to know each other you might not be as strict. I remember listening to an podcast episode with Russell Brunson and he had a wager with his accountability partner, so if they didn’t complete the task they had to pay a forfeit. That might be something to consider to really help ensure you follow through.


To recap, 3 easy ways on including accountability in your life would be from a coach, a mastermind or an accountability partner. I hope you have found this poster and will seriously think about how you are including accountability in your life as it really does help you achieve your goals. If you would like to talk to me further about working 1:1 please book a discovery call here.


I would love to know in the comments below who is currently keeping you accountable or how you plan on being held accountable in the future.



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  • Katie
    11 March 2018 at 5:08 pm

    I am doing a PhD and work with a small group of peers. As a learning group we keep one-another accountable not just to our deadlines but to our own potential and our motivation also.

    • Charelle
      13 March 2018 at 11:29 pm

      That is great to hear that you are finding accountability through your peers. Wishing you all the best with your PhD!