11 ways to accelerate your success

11 ways to accelerate your success

Great things don’t happen in a blink of an eye, so if you are looking for a way to become an overnight success then this isn’t for you. However, there are steps you can take to make the journey to success shorter and ensure you are being as effective and efficient as possible.

Keep on reading to find out 11 ways that you can accelerate your success.

1.Define what success really means to you

Success means something different to everyone so before I show you to accelerate your success, I need you to get crystal clear on what success means to you. If you know what your definition of success is then write it down and have it somewhere that you can easily refer back to it. If you don’t currently know what success means to you then read How to define success for yourself.

2. Set clear goals

Now that you are clear on what success means to you it is time to write down some specific goals. Achieving these goals should ultimately be helping you to achieve the picture of success that you defined. For example, if part of your version of success is owning multiple properties then your goals might be to buy your first property and then another is to buy your second property.

When it comes to goal setting there are a number of different methods you can use. A very popular, and good, method is using the SMART framework. If you’ve never heard of this method before you can find out about it here.

3. Create an action plan

Goals are great, but it is easy to write goals down and that is the beginning and the end of it. If you really want to accelerate your success and achieve your goals, you are going to have to create an action. When it comes to actions plans no two will be the same. It may be that right now you know all of the steps you need to take. If so, I encourage you to get everything out of your head and written down (it can be on paper or in a digital format). However, it is more likely that right now you don’t know all of the steps you need to take. In that case, focus on the steps that you know you need to take and then when you get to a point where it is outside of your current knowledge write down how you plan to find out what is next. Is it something simple that you can find out on Google? Do you need to ask someone else for advice? Do you already have that person in your network or will you need to be introduced to them or find them?

4. Apply the 80/20 rule

By now you should have a good idea of what you are aiming for and how to go about it. I could have said it is now time to do the work, but this isn’t about achieving your vision of success, this is about accelerating your success. So in order to achieve your goals in less time to need to improve your effectiveness and efficiency. This is where applying the 80/20 plays a key role. The 80/20 rule, or Pareto principle, suggests that 80% of the outcome comes from 20% of the input. This means that most people are sending theirs consumed with things to do that don’t really make a massive difference. If you want to accelerate your success you need to identify what activities make a major impact. Once you’ve identified those activities focus using as much of your resources to those activities and minimising everything else.

5. Remove distractions

Whilst we are talking about minimising it is important to mention remove distractions. Humans are easily distracted and whilst you may think you are superhuman, it is better to remove distractions rather than trying to ignore them. Take a moment to think about your environment. Is it set up to help you succeed? If not, start making changes.

6. Focus on your health

Often when people are driven to achieve something big, unless it is health related, their health ends up suffering. I’m sure you can understand how it happens. You are consumed by wanting to achieve a goal and other areas of your life take a backseat. Whilst this is fine for some areas of your life, it isn’t for health. No matter what version of success you are trying to achieve you need to maintain a focus on your health. This means eating well, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and regularly exercising. To accelerate your success, you need to be able to perform at your peak and this requires your body to be in a good shape.

7. Learn from the best

Does your version of success require you having to learn something new? If so, you’ll likely have options about how you can improve your knowledge in that area. If you truly want to accelerate your success, then you should focus on learning from the best and also trying to get the most interactive version of the training possible. For example, it may be that your version of success involves running your own business. Now to learn how to run a business you could read a book, watch a YouTube video, listen to a podcast, sign up for a course, join a membership, be in a group programme or get 1:1 support. As you can imagine 1:1 support is going to get you moving quicker than signing up for a course. Obviously, there are financial considerations, but where possible focus on working with the best and working with them in the most in-depth form possible.

If you have a coaching or consulting business and are know you need to improve your marketing so you can attract the clients you truly want to work with then check out my 1:1 marketing services here.

8. Build, and use, your network

Your network is very powerful. During the action plan stage, I asked you to think about who could fill in the gaps. It might be that you already know someone who has the answer, or they might be able to point you in the right direction. Too often people aren’t building the right network around them and then even if they do, they then don’t ask for help. Don’t let that be you.

9. 10X your thinking

9. 10X Thinking
A great way to accelerate your success is by thinking even bigger than what you want to achieve. For example, if your version of success is to build a six-figure business in less than a year you would instead imagine you wanted to build a seven-figure business. By massively increasing your ultimate vision the actions you take will be bigger. Bigger actions equal bigger results and you should shorten the time it takes to get to the version of success you actually wanted.

10. Form great habits

Forming the right habits can be absolute game-changer for your speed of success. Habits make our life easier. When you form great habits it means you can do great things day in and day out with minimal effort. This means you can then concentrate on using your willpower and energy in other places.

Related: 11 daily habits to improve your life.

11.Shift your identity

If you really want to accelerate your success then you should look at shifting your identity. This is about becoming the type of person who would naturally achieve the success you are after. For example, if part of your version of success involves being a bestselling author but right now you haven’t even started then the likelihood is you don’t see yourself as a bestselling author. Think for a moment about how you approach writing a book versus someone who is already a bestselling author. It would be different wouldn’t it? Therefore, a way to take consistent action that is aligned with your ultimate goals is to shift your identity. Believe and behave today like a bestselling author. This will mean you have a writing practice, you engaged with other authors, you read regularly etc.

By shifting your identity your actions should change, but also your commitment to those actions. That is where the magic happens and you can see results quicker.

There you have it! You now know 11 ways to accelerate your success.

I would love to know in the comments below which tip you are going to try for yourself.

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